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Computational Cognitive Neuroscience

Computational cognitive neuroscience integrates formal computational modeling techniques with approaches for understanding the neural mechanisms of human cognition (e.g., functional magnetic resonance imaging, electro-encephalography, transcranial magnetic stimulation).

 Affiliated Faculty

Distinguished Professor Emeritus
Psychological & Brain Sciences
Dynamical Neuroscience
Cognitive & neural mechanisms of human learning; Cognitive neuroscience; Mathematical psychology.
Assistant Professor
Computer Science
Psychological & Brain Sciences
Computational Vision, Computational Neuroscience, Neuroengineering, Human-Computer Interaction.
Distinguished Professor Emeritus
Psychological & Brain Sciences
Dr. Gazzaniga is currently engaged in examining how codes play a role in understanding how neurons become mind.
Psychological & Brain Sciences
Visual attention; Cognitive neuroscience; Brain Imaging; Exercise physiology.
Assistant Professor
Psychological & Brain Sciences
Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology
The Goard lab focuses on how the mammalian neocortex processes and stores incoming sensory information.
Distinguished Professor
Psychological & Brain Sciences
Professor Grafton is interested in how people organize movement into goal-oriented action.
Associate Professor
Psychological & Brain Sciences
Uses brain imaging and endocrinology to determine the impact of sex steroid hormones on brain morphology and function.
Statistics and Applied Probability
Statistical Methods and Data Analyses, Including For Brain Imaging and Other Neuroscience Data.
Psychological & Brain Sciences
Dr. Miller is interested in the psychological and neural processes underlying human memory and decision-making.
Assistant Professor
Psychological & Brain Sciences
Testing how the brain encodes and transforms neural representations of sensory information to guide behavioral goals.