DYNS Faculty

Andy Alexander

Assistant Professor

Psych East 2839
Interactions between the neocortex, thalamus, and extended hippocampal formation that subserve spatial cognition and mnemonic processes.

Michael Beyeler

Assistant Professor
Computer Science
Psychological & Brain Sciences

3201B BioEngineering
Computational Vision, Computational Neuroscience, Neuroengineering, Human-Computer Interaction.

Francesco Bullo

Distinguished Professor
Mechanical Engineering

Engineering II
Mathematical models of artificial and biological recurrent neural networks. Biologically plausible neuronal circuits. Oscillatory dynamics and its functionality.

Jean Carlson


6123 Broida Hall
Cognitive neuroscience, learning, memory, categorization, decision processes in perception and cognition.

Miguel P. Eckstein

Psychological & Brain Sciences

3806 Psychology East
How biological organisms and artificial intelligent agents visually sense the world and make decisions.

Barry Giesbrecht

Psychological & Brain Sciences

3805 Psychology East
Visual attention; Cognitive neuroscience; Brain Imaging; Exercise physiology.

Michael Goard

Assistant Professor
Psychological & Brain Sciences
Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology

5131 Biology II
The Goard lab focuses on how the mammalian neocortex processes and stores incoming sensory information.

Scott Grafton

Distinguished Professor
Psychological & Brain Sciences

2823 Psychology East
Professor Grafton is interested in how people organize movement into goal-oriented action.

Mary Hegarty

Distinguished Professor

2835 Psychology East
spatial thinking in complex activities such as comprehension, reasoning, problem solving and navigation.

Emily G. Jacobs

Associate Professor
Psychological & Brain Sciences

3818 Psychology East
Uses brain imaging and endocrinology to determine the impact of sex steroid hormones on brain morphology and function.

Skirmantas Janusonis

Associate Professor
Psychological & Brain Sciences

2827 Psychology East
Spatial and temporal organization of stochastic axon systems in the brain.

Ron Keiflin

Assistant Professor
Psychological & Brain Sciences

Neural circuits of associative learning, motivation, and decision-making.

Sung Soo Kim

Assistant Professor
Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology

2141 Biology II
Neural circuit dynamics and behavior; navigation; neural mechanisms of stimulus selection and decision-making.

Kenneth S. Kosik

Distinguished Professor
Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology

6139A Biology II
Molecular and genetic perspectives on neuro-development, evolution, plasticity and degeneration

Matthieu Louis

Associate Professor
Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology

3141 Biology II
Combining theory and experimentation to understand how navigational decisions arise from neural-circuit computation.

Upamanyu Madhow

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Next-generation wireless communication, sensing and inference; Robust, neuro-inspired machine learning.

B.S. Manjunath

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Research in Reproducible Computer Vision, Image Forensics and Deep Learning

Wendy Meiring

Statistics and Applied Probability

5510 South Hall
Statistical Methods and Data Analyses, Including For Brain Imaging and Other Neuroscience Data.

Mike Miller

Psychological & Brain Sciences

1823 Psychology
Dr. Miller is interested in the psychological and neural processes underlying human memory and decision-making.

Jeff Moehlis

Mechanical Engineering

Modeling, dynamics, & control of neural populations; application to neurological disorders such as Parkinson's disease.

Craig Montell

Distinguished Professor
Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology

4130-F Biology II
Molecular and cellular basis of animal behavior in flies and mosquitoes.

Julie H. Simpson

Assistant Professor
Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology

3129 Biology II
Systems neuroscience, neuroethology, genetics. Dissecting neural circuits that control a motor sequence in fruit flies.

Ambuj K. Singh

Computer Science

Data-centric modeling of systems and focusing on development of new methods to be applied to real-world applications.

Ikuko Smith

Assistant Professor
Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology
Psychological & Brain Sciences

5126 Biology II
The role of active dendrites in nonlinear modes of synaptic integration.

William Smith

Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology

2123 Biology II
Primary areas: The mechanisms of neural tube closure in Xenopus and Ciona; Behavior and neural circuity in Ciona.

Thomas Sprague

Assistant Professor
Psychological & Brain Sciences

Testing how the brain encodes and transforms neural representations of sensory information to guide behavioral goals.

Rene Weber

Department of Communication

The Media Neuroscience Lab investigates complex cognitive responses to mass communication and mediated narratives with an emphasis on the neural mechanisms of moral conflict, persuasion, media violence, cognitive control, and flow experiences.